I get asked this all the time. There are many theories and thoughts on this and I don’t believe that there really is a correct answer. Therefore, I will go over some of the ideas and thoughts on this topic so you can choose the right cardio for you.
First of all most experts believe in early morning cardio and I tend to agree with this thought, if you are a morning person. If you are not a morning person, then don’t beat yourself up over the fact that you just cannot get up early enough to get your cardio done. I have really met a lot of people who worry about this and just cannot fit it into their schedule. Are these people doomed to a life of obesity, of course not? The theory on this is the fact that you are on a fast from your sleep and then when you do your cardio you are more apt to burn the fat on your body when you workout. This fact is true and if you can fit it into your schedule then do it. I think if you go on an early morning run/walk you just might enjoy seeing the day begin right before your eyes. It can be a truly wonderful experience. For this cardio, I recommend a long low intensity cardio, such as a long run or walk at a steady pace.
However, if you cannot do the early morning cardio, then you do have an alternative. You can do your cardio after a weight workout. You can achieve the same benefit because the weight workout will deplete your energy stores. Therefore, when you do your cardio you will most likely burn the fat on your body for your energy. However, you must be careful not to over exercise as your body will then breakdown muscle and you definitely do not want that to happen. I recommend a high intensity short interval cardio for this scenario. For example, if you are on the elliptical, then go on a higher level with a high level of intensity for about two minutes. After the two minutes reduce your level for about 2 minutes and alternate back and forth until your energy stores are depleted. Also, if you need to do a cardio and are not doing a weight workout, then I would recommend the high intensity workout as described above. Research seems to favor this as the bigger fat burning cardio as compared to the long slow cardio described above.
There you go, two different ways of doing cardio so you can find the one that works the best for you. Furthermore, I recommend you alternate between the two types of cardio throughout the week, as that will keep your body guessing and allow a more efficient way to burn fat. More importantly just pick the cardio that fits your life and enjoy it.
For what it’s worth,
Dr. B
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